Christopher Ryan Grant and Louis
Cancelmi photos by Joan Marcus
by Arney Rosenblat
Daniel Sullivan's engaging production of William Shakespeare's complex tragedy
Coriolanus, he deftly explores the political pitfalls of the Democratic precept
of power to the people through the rise and fall of Caius Martius Coriolanus
who has the temerity to think real actions should speak louder than unctuous
words in determining who should lead a democratic state.
last time the Public Theater undertook a free summer production of Coriolanus
was forty years ago but in these unsettling political times an exploration of
democracy slipping off the rails has become increasingly relevant. Though
Shakespeare set the story in early Rome Tony-award winning director Daniel
Sullivan (Proof, The Little Foxes) has created a post-apocalyptic vision as his
Rome backdrop where the working-class plebeian populace is starving and angry
blaming patrician greed for their plight. "Hear me
speak!" says Coriolanus' First Citizen as the play opens. These
three words resound throughout the work, raising the question as to who should
have the right to speak out and guide a democracy.
is a play about class, about politics and about how those in power often
manipulate their way to the top, which makes it both timely and a somewhat
uncomfortable play to watch, particularly since its lead character Caius
Martius Coriolanus is more anti-hero than hero.
story is pretty straight forward, Caius Martius is one super-star warrior in
service of his home city-state Rome and when he virtually single handedly
quells an attack by their arch enemies the Volscians distinguishing himself in
combat against his chief rival Tullus Aufidius, the leader of the Volscians,
played effectively by Louis Cancelmi, he is honored with the title Coriolanus
and encouraged by his fellow patricians along with his proud ambitious mother
to run for political office as consul.
pursuit of that campaign, Coriolanus is urged by all around him to speak
"mildly" to the commoners whose votes, or "voices." he must
secure if he is to be confirmed as consul and to curb his tendencies to always
state the truth as he sees it, He does try initially, in contravention to
his very DNA, to do so, but he is eventually goaded by the people's Tribunes
who fear his unvarnished honest ways, into speaking his mind and venting his
contempt for this fickle uninformed so-called democratic mob. The result
is Coriolanus is accused of being a traitor to Rome and banished. Forced
to leave behind his mother, wife and young son. a furious and vengeful
Coriolanus tells the Roman citizens that it is he who is banishing them and
there is "a world elsewhere.". This prompts his mother,
Voluminia, to sadly remind him that "I would have you put your power well
on before you had worn it out." and his friend Menenius to observe,
"His nature it too noble for this world."
to revenge himself against an ungrateful Rome, Coriolanus decides that the
enemy of his enemy is his friend and he seeks out his former foe Aufidius at
Antium offering up his services, "Make me a sword of me," says
Coriolanus to Aufidius, who gives him equal command of the Volscian troops as
they march on Rome, a move that makes him increasingly jealous of Coriolanus as
the latter becomes increasingly popular with the Volscians. At the gates of
Rome friends and finally his family led by Volumnia his mother implore
Coriolanus to spare Rome and make peace. When Coriolanus accedes to his
mother's pleas both know in their hearts, it means the death of Coriolanus by
Aufidius and the Volscians
his choice of a dystopian setting for the play Coriolanus, Sullivan has also
chosen to let the rules of class, status, and power be told solely through the
words of the play rather than be shown through attire, designed by Kaye Voyce,
and accoutrements This sameness across the class perspective can be
distracting and unhelpful at times. The huge corrugated shape-shifting
metal shed with rusting garbage cans, burnt-out cars and other detritus
provided by Beowolf Boritt's scenic design, the sound design and percussive
music score by Jessica Paz and Dan Moses Schreier, respectively, and the
haunted lighting by Japhy Weideman add to the bleakness of the landscape.
large cast is generally strong, and like Sullivan's decision to create a rough
edge to the set and costumes, he has also chosen to foster the impressive
aggressive physicality of Jonathan Cake's portrayal of Coriolanus playing down
any signs of restrained dignity that might be associated with patrician
roots. Cake, an accomplished Shakespeare veteran, does capture with
skill and gusto the war machine aspects of his character along with the
obstinacy which leads to his ultimate downfall. The determination for
Cake to portray his character at full throttle from the moment he sets foot on
stage does occasionally hamper his ability to show growth or change, but on the
flip side Cake's ability to tap into rare moments of underlying humor, in the
writing such as his promise to play the part of a politician and answer
"mildly" (which is definitely counter to his nature) in order to
court the city's plebeians for their voices to make him consul was a
welcome addition.

Kate Burton (downstage), Tom Nelis, Teagle F. Bougere, and
Nneka Okafor in the Free Shakespeare in the Park production of Coriolanus,
directed by Daniel Sullivan, running at the Delacorte Theater in Central Park
through August 11. Photo credit: Joan Marcus.
the standout performance that make the evening special are Kate Burton as
Voluminia, Coriolanus' mother, Though dressed in classless rags, the
moment she speaks you recognize her as an iron-will patrician and a loving
mother with great and just ambitions for her son..Her moving attempts as the
play nears its end to persuade her son not to take out his vengeance on their
homeland and destroy Rome, which leads to his eventual undoing, is definitely a
highlight in the play.

Jonathan Cake, Biko Eisen-Martin, and Teagle F. Bougere
particularly outstanding performances are provided by Teagle F. Bougere as
Menenius Agrippa who defines himself a "humorous patrician" or more
accurately someone who understands the game of politics, and persuading a
populace through flattery. Menenius is as close to a father figure and
adviser as Coriolanus has.. Enid Graham and Jonathan Hadary as the Roman
Tribunes Junius Brutus and Sicinius Veletus, respectively, are beautifully
successful at manipulating the plebeians they allegedly serve to turn against
Coriolanus, leading to his banishment, when they sense his uncompromising
honesty threatens their hold over their constituents. Nneka Okafor brings
a warm naturalism to her role as Coriolanus's oft-neglected wife.
exploring Coriolanus' contempt for the power of the general populace of Rome,
perhaps it is a more cynical Shakespeare in his later years raising the
question of who deserves a political voice and who is fit to lead in a
democracy? Coriolanus believed that an uninformed, uneducated and fickle
populace was not fitted to make such decisions As a note in the
program points out, with the power of democracy comes responsibility as
democracy can turn on itself and give way to what Coriolanus calls out as the
"unstable slightness" of an changeable electorate.. This topic was
also examined recently at another Public Theater production earlier this year
about Socrates and the birth of democracy in Athens.
viewing Daniel Sullivan's evocative take on this Shakespeare tragedy
Coriolanus, you might also want to explore two other compelling interpretations
both of which are currently streaming online. Each is a fast paced,
action-packed thriller:: the 2011 Ralph Fiennes film and the Donmar
Warehouse production starring Tom Hiddleston
Theater - Delacorte
Central Park West
time 3 hours
date August 11, 2019