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KISMET KCA ELECTION ‘16: Washington Take Note


For the first time KCA members assembled early – seats filled inside as clumps of members convened  outside -  as the official time arririved it was more than the usual SRO’s and the line to register and pick up ballots extended into the street

The decision was made to move the entire congregation into the big truck area, signaling the portentousness of he event.

Faces not seen at these meetings for years emerged in the crowd: Dennis Sommeo, Warren Lem, and others indicating a renewed interest for obvious reasons, possible regime change - first in years.


A little  History:

‘Till then members on the board came and went with little fanfare, by mutual agreement, no big deal.


Way back meet meetings were held in the INN and debates were as steamy as the coffee (mostly among the “mouths” in the group: Weinstein, Goldstein, Bob Kaye, Barbosa) over various issues no one remembers

 It got nasty, it was exciting, and we all survived.


All went smoothly until then president Frieda, allegedly absconded with $2000 money the Kismet Karnival raised, created and run by Dorothea, myself and Phil, to raise money for Daminex, a tick killer employed with much success n the Pines.

A secret “coup” hatched by the Bulkhead residents unceremoniously walked into the meeting and ousted her with their new slate of officers: Bobby & Jackie Baker at the helm.


Years later Bill Jenks took over the job, amicably, with the sole purpose of getting Kismet new sidewalks, which had been stonewalled by Islip for years. In a matter of 2 years the mammoth job was completed at which time Jenks gracefully  turned it over to Marcia, apprx 8 years ago


Gradually meetings became more formal, protocol driven, spontaneity diminished, many questions unanswered, held after most members closed for the season, many stopped coming altogether.


Highlights from the past

include a vociferous vocal condemnation against a Kismet columnist (NOT me) who lightheartedly mentioned that in Kismet “you lock your bikes but not your doors and most keys were to be found in the outdoor shower” – this was meant as a complement to the general safety and ease of community life but the poor guy was pilloried with righteous indignation by the cabal and banned briefly from the INN.


Previously I, too, was shunned by the uptight community when the F I News sent a reporter from Newsday to write an article about the single life in Kismet vs. Snooze Harbor. He was sent to meet me at Happy Hour in the Out – a raucous, substance fuelled, disco driven happening “enhanced”  by a barrage of celebrants in small boats from Bayshore. As I introduced him to the crowd, who thought it was a hoax, they vocalized “getting laid in Kismet is like shooting fish in a barrel…Who needs drugs I have Percodan” and so on. Which appeared in his article. The mostly absent homeowners were appalled and concerned about a decline in their property values (actually it was a boon for single renters). Business members of the community took out full page ads targeting me as responsible (with no chance to exonerate my self in similar ads in the very same paper that assigned the reporter to me)

I was shunned by them but the 80% single renter population came to my aid throwing “Kismet Property for Sale” parties on the beach


Ah! The good/bad ole days.


The Meeting                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Like an elephant in the room the meeting proceeded with usual procedural    order – and issues were addressed from the group but there was an air of impatience to get on with it – the election


The house was packed….


Sam displays new much needed street signs which will be posted around town of special importance to the invasion of daily daytrippers


KFD Cheif Dom reminding that the long-last batteries on smoke detectors probably need replacing and again a plea for the display of house numbers, with which the KFD will help, for proper ID for fires and other calls.


Marcia continues business as usual prior to ballot counting


Gary, running unopposed as Vice President, saying no matter who he works with, Marcia or Jane, “My wife is still the boss”


Chris, running “a close second to herself” for Secretary was stuck on the bridge coming over (see below) and couldn’t get there to her own inauguration!



Two very vocal returnees to the KCA - Dennis & Warren                                                                                      

Yes, Dennis is very vocal

Marcia and Arthur sit and wait for the results

Still sitting and waiting…………….









The ballot counting committee: Tom Licari, Patty Romanzi, Janet O’Connor


Now…the BIG announcement –


Winners for the position of President:

 Marcia 57

 Mooney 46



Winner for Treasurer:

Weinstein 46

Danielle 59

  (the reason there are two more votes in total is that two ballots had Danielle’s name only)


Danielle assumed her position at the table as Arthur left the room.

Thus, an episode passed without drama.


 (Would that Hillary & Donald would take note)


Later  Patty Romanzi, outgoing, and Gary Leone, incoming Vice Presidents, celebrated with a brew next door!


Sands Zaffron

October 16 at 10:31am


First time I've ever seen this in the 24 years of living in fire island. Coming back from dropping Sid off for work can't get home due to a jumper on Fire Island bridge. They have him harnessed but no one can move. Stuck in Captree until the bridge opens.