Minutes of June 2, 2019 KCA Fall Meeting
Prior to the meeting the members were supplied with the 2019 updated
financial report, the minutes of the September 30, 2018 meeting and the
agenda for this meeting. The meeting was called to order by Vice
President Gary Leone followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment
of silence for Carol Thomas and Christy Edwards. A motion was made to
accept the prior meeting minutes and with no objections the motion was
approved by the members.

Financial Report
Treasurer Daniel Bellemare gave the updated 2019 financial report, after
review the minutes were approved without changes. KCA dues are due by
June 30th, 2019.

FIMI update
Marsha Hunter, KCA President reported on the Army Corps of Engineers
FIMI Project on Fire island, President Hunter noted in the event of a
major storm the Army Corp of Engineers will come in and replenish any
lost sand.

Kismet Fire Department
Chief Bertucci advised members to make sure smoke detectors are working,
batteries should be check and changed twice a year during daylight
savings time. The KFD sells them for $20.00 each along with fire
extinguishers. He also has TOT finders if any residents need them.
Residents should place the number of their homes in a visible location,
members were reminded to let their guests or renters know what their
house number is in the event of an emergency when calling 911. KFD also
has safety cards which should be placed in each home. Chief Bertucci
also report the new non 911 number for Suffolks County is 631-852-COPS.
Kismet Fire District
Commissioner Leone reported that 5 new members have joined the
Community Maintenance Report

Sam Wood reported on the new solar lights on Maple between Pine and
Seabay and along Burma road. The Kismet Historical Society has gotten a
great response and initiative has gone island wide. Peter Manion has
already donated two checks. The site will be interactive and there will
be a fundraiser in September. If you could bring any old photographs or
they will be scanned into a data base and returned to you. Sam also
reported the initial garbage pails he was going to purchase for the
community were costly and he is looking into other options.
The police hut is need of repair and the cost would be several thousand
dollars to fix it. The courtesy cart is now available, please call Sam’s
office to schedule a pick up.
KFDA/Community Day

Dana Deruvo Hanna gave a report on the new event which will be called
kismet by the Bay Festival, we already have sponsorships in the amount
of $8.500.00. The event will be held on Saturday July 20th from
11AM-4PM, Sam will be donating the dunk tank and John Alteri will do the
cleanup. The proceeds will go to a new security system for the fire
department and a new sound system. There will be super raffles, a silent
auction, a band on Dana’s deck and a 50/50. Bock captains will be going
around collecting donations for each block, The are East Light House,
Cheryl L and Ginny B, West Lihghthouse, Patty L, Oak, Jackie and Karen
O, Pine, Wendy S and Maureen K, Seabay, Myrna . Residents were reminded
to remove your wagons prior to the event to help clean up.
CPR class will be Saturday June 22, 2019, cost is $50.00 PP, which
included lunch and CPR card. Class will be 2-3 hours long.

Bill Jenks distributed this summer's movie schedule
info to come
Comedy night
Friday August 9, cost is $40.00 PP which included
two drinks.
Bingo will be held on Tuesday nights, starting July 7, kids
from 7-8, adults from 8-? Free movies will be on Sunday nights, no kids’
movies this year.
Sandcastle contest July 6, 2019 10-3PM. Events will also be posted
our community bulletin boards.

Yoga will continue its normal schedule at the fire house.
Old Business
Side walk at the end of east lighthouse is broken, members will be given
a list of state town and federal offices to call to complain about
quality of life and hazards.

Elliott Epstein reported on his efforts to access Kismet, he reported
you can obtain an overnight night parking permit for field 5 for two
nights at a cost of $30.00 per night from October through April. You can
apply at the Robert Moses State Park Office and you would need to bring
a tax or utility bill. Elliott also reported that FINS will not
authorize any access to any residents without a year-round permit even
in a case of an emergency, Elliot also reported that he does have a
dialogue going with superintendent Romeo. There will be 4 town hall
meetings this year with FINS to be held at Saltaire, Pines, Ocean
and Tof , dates will be distributed when available.
New Business
There were 3 new homeowners who introduced themselves.

Port o Potty’s
2nd VP Tom Licari explained what an easement was and the
KFD Commissioner’s had their attorney write a letter to the TOI stating
we would not give permission to have a trailer placed on our property.
There is a new pedi cab service running from field 5 to the check
at a cost of $5.00 and $10.00 into Kismet. The individual has state and
federal permits and Marsha did speak with FINS at this is a pilot
project. Discussion was heard on both sides and the cab isn’t permitted
to come into town.

Sam venting on Pedi cab critiquing the irresponsible transport of
elderly visitors who cannot walk and leaving them here. Licari and others
countered that they wished they could have used a pedi cab on their
occasionally physically challenging treks in.
Discussion was held regarding unsupervised youths coming into Kismet
known as the backpack kids, garbage is being left on beach, stolen carts
and bikes etc. Members were reminded to call 911 or the new COPS number
if they see anything criminal, suspicious or dangerous.
Contact information for any concerns.
Police -911
Fire Island National Seashore
• Website: nps.gov
• Phone: (631) 687-4750
Town board meetings are as follows: 6/18 2:00pm, 7/16 2:00 pm, 8/20 2:00
pm, all at town hall 655 Main Street, Islip, NY.
Office for Constituent Services (631) 224-5380. They are a good link
every department.
Nominations were made for President and Secretary, a nomination was made
for Marsha Hunter for president and Secretary Chris Rosenblum will be
stepping down in September and a nomination was made for Wendy Schu and both
were seconded. Elections are still open and elections will be held
at the fall meeting.
Next KCA Meeting is Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 10AM.
There being no further discussion a motion was made and seconded and the
meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Gary Leone.
Gary J Leone
Dawn M Madsen