As COVID propels
observation of our nation's birthday to a new level of consciousness
Kismet now rethinking as
their annual parade
which previously focused
on families
morphed into a July 4
Now using their homes as
canvasses rather than their kids
Their ingenuity rose to
the occasion
as presentations exhibited
creativity of a higher level
I personally was never
more proud of our town
as it addressed issues ripped
from the nation's front page
Kudos to Kismet Creativity

hoisted the flag as dad Larry looked on

Ryan sang the national anthem from upstairs at sam's office
her voice never sounded better

All happening
near Joyce Cole's Memorial bench

the awards
were waiting

as sam drove the judges:
Joanne Padovano
Patty Lyon
Tony Manzo
Phylis Schiller
Chris Castro
through town on a house crawl
Most Patriotic:
two winners
Helen Quinzer family Home of the Brave

there was even marching
music as the judges appeared
and Bulkhead's God Bless America

great by day

Dazzling by night

Most Creative Frank Danniele award went to Sitone family for
Uncle Sam Wear a Mask
Most Topical went to Leone family for
Hometown Heroes

local businesses were
individually thanked and there was a mask tree with "fruit" for

Most Historical went to Lambie's Liberty

Best in Parade Winners:
Team Arthur
Team Arthur: David &
Kate Arthur, Jack & Rockwell Arthur, Donovan & Brett Arthur, Gini
Arthur, accompanied in decorating by friends, Nico Pacioni, Foy Marie Johnson
& Lucy Cowan
The Arnold family, who won
this year's contest, used the garbage dump in front of their home as a set
piece, with signs calling out "fascism" as "trash in the
trash" alongside a slew of flags and a sign reminding us of the core
principles that define our country--"united we stand." They caught
the judges' eyes with their creative approach and their spirited matching
In addition to daytime
viewing over two days there was a nighttime display which was quite dazzling
This year's contest provided an opportunity for neighbors to continue spreading
cheer and showing their spirit during this strange summer, adding light that
was only upstaged by the holiday's fabulous full moon.
The following is a
compilation with assist of
Glyn Emmerson
Meryl Branch-McTiernan
With the coronavirus still
on the loose, Kismet folk found a way to celebrate Independence Day safely.
Instead of the usual crowded gatherings, people showed camaraderie by
decorating their homes to celebrate America's birthday. And some took the
opportunity to make a statement about these unprecedented and sometimes
divisive times.
As some in the media have decried Fire Island for partying and gathering during
this holiday weekend, many in Kismet proudly demonstrated their commitment to
protecting their neighbors by reminding them to wear a mask. The Leones even had
a mask tree, and welcomed passersby to take a mask if they needed one, with
signs thanking local businesses and our essential workers (which includes our
local bartenders and businesses.) They were awarded the prize for Most Topical:

Bernie Sanders may be out
of this year's presidential contest, but the Outback house had a sign stumping
for his doppelganger and distant cousin, Curb Your Enthusiasm star, Larry
David, (aka Tom Licari) who could make America "pretty pretty pretty good
again." Or, more likely, he'd incite an accidental war over toilet paper

As usual,
Dr. Caroline Stern had some memorable decorations

Beach &

plates by day

The plates
at night

Lazy Bones
nice by day

Gorgeous by

Protect the
thanks Rudy & Patty

Runway –

Night time

interesting juxtaposition

This year's contest
provided an opportunity for neighbors to continue spreading cheer and showing
their spirit during this strange summer, adding light that was only upstaged by
the holiday's fabulous full moon.