By Jeannie

weather gods teased us on the day of Kismet’s Grand Event with the forecast
that promised rain sometime in the afternoon. And those involved in the fair
for almost a year groaned.
it turned out it couldn’t have been better! The skies were clear, it was pleasantly
breezy and many people chose to forgo the beach with that forecast which meant
that the focus of almost the entire community was on this community celebration.
winds blew up around 3:30, a half hour before Kismet Day was to end, but the
rain came much too late to do any damage.
for this event to my knowledge began with a conversation I had with Sam Wood in
February about his dunking booth but it was in the ion the boards well before
do not believe any corporations could’ve handled it any better then the KFDA
with Dana at the head, Wendy keeping us informed, committees signed and it even
made it into Sam’s comedy monologue about the amount of volunteers there were
in our community.
early in the morning of the big day downtown was a sea of bright T-shirts so
much so that I wondered if we weren’t all volunteers, but the good citizens
came and they spent.
could resist Neal Mandel in his special 50-50 hat hawking his tickets to the
point that every one was eventually sold. I think I heard over $4000 was raised
by that alone.
Puppies with a Purpose dogs showed up to the delighted a little children who
later convened at the tennis court for tattoos and games.
were enticed by a variety of wares from hand painted sneakers, to provocative
paintings, hand made jewelry, scented soaps, designer stationery, beachy signs.
firehouse with packed with auction items, and the huge raffles from each block
where predominately displayed where we could all salivate owning them.
dunking booth drew community celebs and comics alike as Casey and Gracie combed
the community for likely candidates and their tormentors, including KCA VP Tom
Licari, Joe McKeon and fire chief Dominic.
unplanned but exciting exhibit occurred mid event at the Coast Guard boat which
was offering tours of their boat. Suddenly a siren called them to emergency
duty and we all had a chance to see them spring into action.
The suspense grew increasingly as the promised 3:30 announcement hung in the
air of the winners of the major raffles and the 50-50. The climax of the day
was finally announced.
Dirty Vice Band on Dana’s rooftop played well past the 4PM deadline which no
doubt had Paul at the Out nervous as the Mahogany band was due shortly.
was a grand event truly, and I believe everyone in the community who attended
or participated was tired but happy… specially the winners.

The DUNKING BOOTH – Dunkers & Dunkees

Unexpected Excitement as the Coastguard, originally offering tours
of their boat suddenly responded to an emergency call

Kids: Games and tattoos

Browsing & Shopping

Welcome back, Helen

A fashion statement….

Kids and Canines

The Prizes

Kim Sitone won West Lighthouse’s
wagon of beach gear. Jack Ewald won Seabay’s Baja Cruiser bike. Tara Cuccio won
Oak’s Kismet Day basket. Emmy won East Lighthouse’s Samsung TV. LeAnn won
Pine’s Weber Grill.
Lynn G won the 50/50. Bob and
Jane N won the Lottery Tree.

…and the band played on………..
Hi Jeannie-
Community Day
was unique...and phenomenal.
Because of
the Journal and the various raffles last Saturday there are many moving parts.
We continue
to have some monies coming in so we won't have a final number for a couple of
I think it
would be misleading to just report what came in and not subtract the various
Of course
when the better numbers come in Dana and we all will share.
Personally, I
have so proud of how the whole Community came together with activities for all.
BayWalk was a
sea of lime green teeshirts!
The Kids
Games-and having all be free-was a big hit. Sam Wood's generous donation of the
Dunk Tank will be bar news for the whole Summer. (Dom Bertucci and daughter
Lizzie were a hoot, as was Joe McKeehan , Casey Licari, and many more)
I overheard
delight from the kids and adults who toured the Coast Guard boat. Rudy bid on
and won a float they donated! And he won one of the cakes/sweets MJ Voltz
kindly donated to the raffle.
One of my
favorites is the win of the West Lighthouse Walk's wagon by Kim Sitone! Emmie
Ryan won the TV from east Lighthouse Walk-and then traded for the grill- but
someone thought that it was me. Hahahahaha.
The huge
winner of the 50/50 was Lynn Goiella from Camelot. (Neal Mandel, Eddie Schwartz
and crew are very persuasive.)
The list of
the volunteers is long and being verified. People pitched in everywhere. Dana
and Wendy will be assembling it.
Long way to
say, no tallies just yet.
Patty Lyon
Kismet Community Day was a great demonstration of what this town can accomplish
when we all put our best efforts together, all for the love of Kismet.
Dana DeRuvo Hanner, R.N.