As this much heralded election draws near and many islanders are
opting to stay away from the mainland as long as possible what are the
possibilities of voting here?
Homeowners and fall seasonal renters are eligible to vote from
Voting now takes place in Bay Shore or by absentee ballot. NYS
requires an excuse, such as "not here at this time." check
these links for more info
www.suffolkvotes.com and www.elections.ny.gov.

and if staying longer the Woodhull School in Ocean Beach is here
for your K-6th graders School starts Sept. 9, and any legal Kismet resident can
send their child or children there. Doing so just for a shoulder season,
however, isn’t recommended by any school. Like all schools, they will follow
both Dept. of Health and Dept. of Education guidelines. Capacity (45 students)
will determine which model (in-school or hybrid) will happen. Seventh graders
and above will go to Bay Shore, which is operating on a hybrid model. So get in
touch with them at Dclock@fi.k12.ny.us or
631-583-5626. Laurie Ferraro is the superintendent
2 14 year olds jump into Bay to rescue Jeannie
Lieberman from drowning
Hi Jeannie it’s Brooke Ally’s older sister here is the picture of
Their names are
Kayla Ruggirello(left) and Ally Winchester (right) and they are both going into
freshmen year and are 14. They both took swimming lessons at a young age and
Ally does sailing at BSYC. Kayla has been boating her whole life. They both
heard you yelling for help when they were waiting for the ferry and jumped in
to help without hesitation. Sean also from Pizza Shack where they all worked,
waited on shore to offer help.
…After assurances that I was safe they ran for the ferry and
made it where i hope they received an ovation.
Much gratitude to Karen Spollen and the KFD, all suited up
in that heat (I apologize) 2 anonymous on the spot lifeguards who lifted
me out of the water, and the ever ready Saltaire EMS who tried
unsuccessfully to get me in ambulance to hospital (in a wet bathingsuit-
Postscript: Amy sent a charming feel better bouquet
delivered by 2 of my favorite Kismet people, Gracie & Casey, who also fixed my TVs (I
am truly blessed) and Alex, Susan and Carole delivered the chocolate cake
I requested as a celebration of life!!!

While land life here is almost boring its life and death
There was a ManOWar jellyfish siting in Kismet waters Monday and
Tuesday a dolphin was attacked and killed by a shark in the waters between
Kismet and Saltaire.
Here is the code to the lifeguard swimming notification
flags (if you're colorblind ask someone)

Monday-Sunday august 3
- august 16
Shore Kismet
Kismet Bay Shore
M 7:00am
7:50am M
M 7:30pm
Mon. thru Thurs. Only
8:00pm M
Fri. thru Sun. Only
M 9:30pm
Except Sun.
10:00pm M
...and that's Kismet!!!