by Marija
Beqaj, Pat Hackett
Hello everyone,
An article appeared
in Newsday on February 3rd reporting the outcome of a lawsuit
brought by Friends of Animals against the Fire Island
National Seashore (FINS). (Bartley Horton, thank you for being alert
and bringing this article to our attention.)
That lawsuit is
separate from the one filed jointly by two organizations --- the Animal
Welfare Institute (AWI), a prestigious international organization,
and Wildlife Preserves, Inc. (WP) which has a
remarkable historical connection to Fire Island: fifty years ago WP
donated globally unique parcels of land that would become a protected wildlife
sanctuary known as the Sunken Forest—our beloved Sunken Forest where the Fire
Island National Seashore now illegally plans to kill deer.
We were
confident that the deer were safe for the time being, because of an agreement
between FINS and the AWI/WP. However, FINS has broken that
agreement. With funding in place—reportedly about $100K---deer have
already been killed on the William Floyd Estate. More deer are slated to
be killed before the end of March on federal land ‘somewhere’ on Fire
Island. And this will happen every year—every year Fire
Island will be open to hunting and culling and sharpshooting.
Whenever our barrier
island’s deer have been threatened, organizations such as those mentioned above
and Long Island Orchestrating for Nature --- have
stepped forward to help. The founder of Fund for Animals,
the brilliant and charismatic Cleveland Amory accomplished the seemingly
impossible during the infamous winter of the 1988/89 'Study/Hunt'. While
friends and neighbors were protesting and being arrested on Burma Road, Cleveland Amory traveled to Washington DC, met with the Director of the National Park
Service (NPS) and persuaded him to stop the pitiful hunting of Fire
Island’s semi-tame deer.
At that time, we
realized that our wildlife bureaucracies are so solidly entrenched in lethal
management that it was up to us, ordinary citizens, to find a humane way to
prevent the deer from reproducing. By happenstance, we contacted the
premier immunocontraception researchers in the country, right at the time when
they were looking for a test site.
We flew the
researchers into New York, treated them to a whirlwind tour of Fire Island, and
one year later, with all stringent conditions met and, most importantly,
commitments from the ‘monitors’ in the communities, female deer were remotely
darted with the PZP contraceptive vaccine (at a mere $24 per doe) without
trapping, netting, immobilizing or ear-tagging them.
Recently, some
well-intentioned suburban communities, desperate to find non-lethal means
to control their deer populations were persuaded to undertake in-the-field surgical
sterilizations that are prohibitively expensive, labor intensive, painful for
the animals and completely impractical for widespread use. (On Staten Island NY, $1737 per buck was spent on in-the-field vasectomies.)
So, of course,
because surgical sterilization is not a threat to hunting, wildlife agencies
allow it. On the other hand, PZP vaccine has proven to have great
potential for widespread use and hence the NPS has put obstacles, in the form
of five “artfully and arbitrarily qualified” criteria, in the way of its use.
As the inevitable
negative reports on surgical sterilization surface in the media, we hope that
the more practical—and humane—PZP vaccine "baby" will not be thrown
out with the bathwater. We hope that Judge Sandra J. Feuerstein who is
well-liked and said to be fair minded, will scrutinize FINS’ deer management
plan and the use of PZP vaccine (or ZONASTAT-D as it was named upon
registration by the EPA) and make a groundbreaking decision that could impact
suburban wildlife management and public health in a most profound and extremely
positive way.
Marija Beqaj, Pat
Trustees, Fire
Island Wildlife Foundation, inc.