DYNAMIC EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, JEANNE LIEBERMAN, the woman who brought colorful journalism to Fire
Island, has invited this old Ocean Beachcomber to tell the story of my book,
“Having Fun with Words of Wit and Wisdom” and
I thank the gracious lady.
When an author is 90, his name is
anathema to major publishers and agents (can’t make that promotional book tour)
and so despite my lifelong list of writing credits I had to go the self-publishing route. And I am well satisfied with the job
the printer did, producing not only the book but the fabulous cartoons
illustrating it by my old Daily News colleague, the master caricaturist Sam
It actually had its origin on Fire Island, when I would sit in my
father’s (an author) study summer evenings perusing his remarkable (19th)
Century Encyclopedic Dictionary, a monumental task (ten volumes!), in a
vocabulary-improving exercise, jotting down words I should know as a writer but
didn’t – not the remotest idea of a book. That literary treasure chest,
published in an era when there was no radio, no tv or movies to divert you from the
Number One entertainment, reading, fairly bristled with quotations from the
great writers – there could be six or seven from Shakespeare on one word, and I
copied them all.
I did this as a regular hobby
over the years, from the 1950’s in Stuyvesant Town as young marrieds through
the years when our children joined us in West Hempstead, and then on to Forest
Hills, not every night but when there was no ballgame or good movie on tv, as
that folder I had in my filing cabinet labeled “Words” grew thicker.
It was after the children had
grown up and married and we had moved to Manhattan that I knew I had been
building what could surely be an interesting and stimulating book, and getting
the nonpareil Sam Norkin to work with me I started to put together these words
and quotations, not in the stonefaced dictionary style but aiming for a light
and breezy approach so that the reader would be entertained. As my reviewer
from the Associated Press put it, “Brimming with references to literature,
journalism and history, the book delivers on its promise to entertain even as
it informs.”
My project got a major boost when
I visited my lifelong buddy Joe Wills in California and his wife Dorothy, a scholarly
former librarian, loaned me their copy of Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary. With that and Boswell’s “Life of
Johnson” I was well-equipped to explore word origins – and also have some fun.
Under Cogent we find “Forcibly convincing, from the Latin cogens,
present participle of cogere,
to force, drive together,” as in this delightfully self-deprecating Johnsonism:
‘Johnson added, very complacently, “Sir, I have two very cogent reasons for not
publishing a list of my subscribers:
one, I have lost all the names; the other, I have spent all the money.” – James
Boswell, Life of Johnson
Johnson’s Dictionary also
inspired Sam’s first cartoon in the book, a hilarious portrayal of an 18th
Century card sharp, under Above Board.
For richly quotable lyrics, it
helps to be a Gilbert & Sullivan devotee. In prep school I was a first
tenor (Irish, you know) in the Glee Club and our director, also the Speech and
Drama teacher and producer-director of the annual school play, was a devoted
Savoyard. Along with staging a G&S beauty every year, so that I saw four of
them twice each, at our Winter and
Spring Festivities, he gave us in the Glee Club a program exclusively of their
work. W. S. Gilbert was a sort of 19th Century Oscar Hammerstein II, providing
the perfect lyrics to Sir Arthur Sullivan’s soaring melodies (see the film
“Topsy-Turvy”) that Hammerstein did to the gorgeous music of Richard
Rodgers. W. S. Gilbert is
quoted 25 times in the book.
I was further helped by complete
sets of Shakespeare, Dickens, Thackeray, Bret Harte, the cultured chronicler of
the uncultured Old West, and the brilliant 16th Century French satirist Michel
de Montaigne, so admired that he could dis the king in a day when kings enjoyed
saying “Off with his head!” He wrote: “Sit a man on no matter how high a
throne, he still sits on his bottom.” Also:
“I consider myself an ordinary man, except in that I consider myself an
ordinary man.” He had our number.
While begging your tolerance for
quoting my own stuff, I offer the explanation that none of us remembers
everything he or she did 25 years ago, and a lot of this is older than that, so
for me a look through it is in large part a voyage of discovery.
Here among the Shakespeares and
the Henry Jameses we find Woody Allen in his film “Small-Time Crooks,” he and
his wife (Tracy Ullman) being shown around Greenwich Village by a scholarly chap played by Hugh Grant, who stops before a brownstone
and says reverently, “This was once the home of Henry James.”
Woody (Muttering to his wife):
“Who is Henry James?”
His wife: “A bandleader, stupid.”
Shakespeare couldn’t have said it
funnier. (For those of my
grandchildren’s era, Harry James was a bandleader and the greatest trumpeter of
his1940’s-1960’s day, .secondary distinction: married to Betty Grable, our WW
II statuesque sex symbol about whom the German battlefield prisoner in “Saving
Private Ryan” desperately trying to prove he loves things American, cries:
“Betty Grable! Vot
a set of gams!”)
Though the great Brits of
literature inevitably lead the list (it’s been their language a lot longer than
it’s been ours, and the world gets only one Shakespeare) Americans are numerous
on every page, led by our New England sage Ralph Waldo Emerson with 45
quotations, closely followed by Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, the cultured
chronicler of the uncultured Old West Bret Harte, also Thomas Wolfe, Nathaniel
Hawthorne, H, L. Mencken, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Henry James, the no-frills tough
guy Elmore Leonard (“I look over what I’ve written, and if I see anything that
looks like writing, I take it out.”), my favorite spymaster Alan Furst with 20,
along with his predecessors in the field, the great Brits Graham Greene and
John le Carré, and the New York Times columnists Maureen Dowd and Gail Collins and critic
Alessandra Stanley.
For something a little spicy, an
intriguing anecdote from back in my college days about old pop song lyrics, see
Heinous (Did Cole Porter really write that?)
For a change-of-pace disquisition
on something we had probably never thought about, the total domination of
American Indian names, once you get west of the New England states, for our
states, great lakes, rivers and mountains, the longest story by far in the
book, see Minnesota, one of them.
You’re not going to forget what Frederick the Great wrote in a letter to
Voltaire about the Catholic ceremony of the wine-soaked wafer on your tongue –
you’ll find it under Eucharist.
And what Leonardo da Vinci said
about the implements used in the world’s favorite pastime when the lights are
out, to be found under Pent, is one you’ll be telling your friends.
Under Actress, absurd things that
happened when women were barred from the stage in Shakespeare’s day – e.g.
Juliet, one night, had a problem: she needed a shave.
A most extraordinary phenomenon
of Medieval times, reported in every weird detail,
was the appearance at funerals of the Sin-Eater, promising to do your time in
hell and prevent you from walking although dead.
Under Yes, probably heading the
list of hard-to-believe, the fact that in the ancient language of The Land of
Saints and Scholars there is no word for Yes or No. A report from the Hiberno-English
Dictionary and from a Gaelic language scholar..
Serendipity: How the tale of the
Three Princes of Serendip gave us the word for the happy accidents through
which Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, Roentgen the X-ray and what
the hero of Charles Lamb’s “A Dissertation on Roast Pig” discovered when he
touched the body of a hog after his barn burned down and put his burned fingers
to his mouth.
For a touch of the macabre, see
“The Bullet’s Song to Its Victim” (Bret Harte) under Front..
As is stated up front, some of
this is reported with attitude, like the dissing of the traditional
dictionary’s occasional lazy lexicography found under Tinker’s Damn. And under that super-sexy Norkin
portrait of the Houri, an innocent question about the destiny of faithful
Moslem women.
I hope I’ve said enough to
intrigue you, and in closing I leave you with the image of lovely Greek
goddesses, and for what they’re doing worthy of being remembered these
thousands of years later go to Page 44 where you will find Caryatid.
Having Fun with Words of Wit and
Wisdom is available on Amazon and can be ordered at Barnes & Noble.
The reviews:
“Tom McMorrow’s ‘Words of Wit and
Wisdom’ is a great resource for teachers, students and lovers of
language. It connects
people to their linguistic heritage and promotes the project of continual
cognitive enrichment . . . an entertaining and infinitely useful support for
any who want to deepen their understanding of language.”
. –
Dorothy D. Wills, Ph.D., Linguistic Anthropologist
Chair, Department. of Geography
and Anthropology
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
“A compilation of ten-dollar words
made memorable by Tom McMorrow’s flair for describing their priceless back
stories. Dictionary definitions pale when compared to McMorrow’s peculiar brand
of etymology. (Pompous, he writes, is “a perfectly respectable word that has
harrumphed itself into disrepute over the centuries.” ) Brimming with references to
literature, journalism and history, ‘Words of Wit and Wisdom’ delivers on it
promise to entertain even as it informs.”
– Jeff
Carlton, The Associated Press, Dallas
“Tom McMorrow has created a
monumental work honed from a lifetime of literary interest.. With fascinating quotations selected
to cleverly illustrate a broad range of words, he has produced a memorable
volume that is illuminating, useful and entertaining. It stands solidly in the tradition of
language and appreciation of wit, and is a most welcome book that one will want
to keep handy for exploration and inspiration.”
William Wolf, critic, author, NYU professor and president of
Drama Desk, the association New
York theater critics
“Tom McMorrow’s ‘Words of Wit and
Wisdom’ will certainly be a good addition to any library, and it will have an
honored place in mine. The book is much like Sam Johnson’s Dictionary, with
quotations serving as illustrations. Dr. Johnson’s work has some eccentric
definitions and a little wit, but I like Tom McMorrow’s explanations better.”
Valdon Johnson, Professor Emeritus of English,
University of Northern

One of America’s most prestigious
prep schools, Choate Rosemary Hall, alma mater of Adlai Stevenson and John F.
Kennedy, and Greenwich Country Day School are using Having Fun with Words of
Wit and Wisdom as a textbook. “I love the quotations! They help the kids to
understand and remember the words.”– Tom Yankus, Choate Fourth Form
English teacher