By Jeannie
Photos by Joyce Rogers and Anna Barantsavich

The annual tradition began in 1976 when a group of bored drag queens
decided to go to the Pines for a celebratory drink July 4th and were
denied entrance at John Whyte’s Blue Whale for violating the non drag dress
Incensed they
retuned in a slightly greater number: Thom “Panzi” Hansen, Lyn
Hutton, and the late Amelia Migliaccio, who went to the Pines to avenge the
slight. They were finally admitted. The victory was dubbed “The Invasion (of
the colony)” and Panzi was named “Queen of the Invasion” and has remained so
ever since.
intimate experience has since blossomed to an annual “invasion” of more than
350 plus drag queens sailing triumphantly into t he pines harbor where over
2000 await their entrance with pre-shows and great pomp and circumstance.
line the harbor in patriotic colors and toot their welcome in the past I was
favored with the job of tooting the ferry horn announcing our arrival as the
captain guided the vessel into the narrow port with the drag queens hanging
over the edge waving and singing “God Bless America”.
It is a
grand event. Creativity abounds in startling and beautiful ways.
years theme was The Wall to the strains of “I Am an American” and event
leader Panzi dressed as a Senorita in red, white, and green and a
bevy of beauties bearing pumpkins and sporting the infamous orange hairdo,
burst through a wall and declared to the cheering crowd “I never
say anything political, but Fuck Trump!”. Adding to the gravitas was Statue of
Liberty, who stripped down and replaced the Statues’ book with a sign reading,
“Not My President.”
the Invasion was HCQ Ginger Snap and entourage former Chas Donna
Piranha, Beach DeBree, and YaNeeda Dunes, past Miss Fire Island Ariel Sinclair
as Debbie Reynolds, Sue Kravitz as Andy Warhol, Imperial Court of New York
Grand Duchess Victoria Falls, Mr. Fire Island Leather 2017 Sir Joseph, her
escort and bearer of the mirror ball, and Parker Sargent

the favorites was the ubiquitous and indispensable Drag Repair group,
Biggers and Martha Pitkin as Siegfried and Roy, and an incredibly sexy bathing

could that be??!
Princess Matt Baney draped a sign “Chris, will you marry me? ❤
Matt.” The answer was “Yes”.
It also was a day of remembrance for gay pride rainbow flag
designer Gilbert Baker. The flag floats bravely on the Grove dock as a welcome
and farewell...

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Over 2002222000 mm
lovefest for Ariadne: and important thank yous
Ariadne C. Villarreal
Dear 2017
Invasion Family:
WOW – 43rd
year is done and dusted! Thank you all for being the village that makes this
event successful.
PANZI – Breaking
through the “WALL” today was genius! You are OUR voice. You and the Grove
ladies are always welcome here! We applaud your tenacity and your wit. We love
that you honor us with your tradition and allow us to celebrate the 4th
with you.
Pagano (and the board) -Thank you for trusting me to run this
crazy event. It’s a beast – but your unwavering support is so helpful. The
Pines shines brightly on this day.
PJ – what
can I say but I adore you!!! You are my ally, my friend and a true collaborator
in making this year a success. Thanks for everything not least: organizing a
seamless security team, loaning us ladders to hang décor, loaning us the stool
for Panzi, and donating $15 gift cards for each and every winner today off the
boat. You personify COMMUNITY.
LaFountaine – once again your voice sailed through the sky and made us
proud to be standing as one united family.
Edwards (and Brandon Voss) for blessing us with your time to
get our shindig started. You engaged folks and got them excited and primed for
our lovely visitors from the Grove. Bless you and your style. We hope you’ll
join us again in 2018.
Wilson – thanks for handling the press and the VIP’s and for
lending a helping hand, foot, toe, eye and smile!! Your partnership is infectious!
Harbor Family - Dennis Murphy, Dennis (Dad) Murphy, Jimmy, Chris and our newbie
Adam – This year the team went above and beyond. Dennis, your
leadership is always welcome. Appreciate all the help from moving the carpets
from Whyte Hall (helping us lay them this year too), cleaning up the harbor pre
and post the event - protecting all our new plantings, securing the electrical
platform…and the car! Everyone appreciates all that you do – and none more than
I. We are so lucky to have you in our fold. Thank you!!!
Ken Stein
and the Sayville Ferry Crew – You are such an integral part of the
day. Each and every crew member was on their mark today. Stellar Teamwork!
Appreciate it every year – thanks for making the passage of our precious cargo safe
from the Grove and for ferrying our many many many day trippers back and forth.
Vandernoth for helping lay out our red carpet, and rallying the boats
to get on the bandwagon. Prizes once again were great: Tickets to Pines Party
(thank you FIPPOA) and wine from the liquor store (Thank you Steve
and Chris!).
Marchelos - you are my Greek partner in crime. Your smile and demeanor make
the day so much brighter. We truly couldn’t do this without you. *** and your
music selection as the Queens disembark is legendary.
Neary / Hal Hayes– Once again….judged the SH(*)&T out of
those girls today! Love the new additional categories like Most Chic, Most
Lost…and of course my favorite: Least Effort.
Taccetta, Will Sherer (he came back again after being an Invasion
virgin last year – staying with his wife at Jerry Mitchell’s - I think we have
him hooked!) And two new Invasion virgins – Sara Barg a lovely colleague
visiting from Chicago who helped divvy out the sashes to our winners and
Gary Oliver – who got roped in by default. AND Always to my lovely
husband Juan and Nephew “Nacho” for spearheading our décor
HI All
Ariadne and all who helped make to day so amazing. I echo all the thank you’s
below. PJ the gift cards were a big hit and the Pool Show was better than ever,
Hal and I were happy to see the one person we really wanted to give an award to
but did not have a category left for her won first place at he pool show.
work all and thank you,
Gil Neary
You are the Rockstar!!!❤
Thank you for everything you do.
It takes a village!
George...once again the music was great and my flag family Brad and Glenn
joined in with me to entertain all while they waited for the pre-show.
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ to
Pansi...I love you.
Everyone else...until next year...see you when I see you.
Robin Byrd
Villabon – the two performance numbers today were wonderful. It added a
whole new level of talent and class. I hope you’ll join us again next year.
Byrd – Flag Away!!! Your essence and spirit are essential to the
success of this event!
Thank you
to Greg (Julio) and Chris Lovito – for keeping our aisleways clear
and safe.
Pollard – thanks for getting all our pre-production elements in line.
Kim and
the team at the Pines Pantry – THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK
YOU – water, ice, lunch and more. Without you we’d have been dehydrated prunes
by the end.
amazing team effort!! Enjoy the rest of the summer – can’t wait to run into all
of you on the boardwalk to thank you in person and if we don’t…. see you next