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                  FULL OF SURPRISES.



                                            By Jeannie


Expect the Unexpected.

Sam Wood has another side that only a few of us were aware of it but the whole community discovered when he was MC.

Who amongst us thought the laconic, poker faced Sam Wood is funny?
Answer: very few! (especially those by his own admission who wait months to have their houses fixed –“some even wait for years!”)
Who ever saw him play the guitar and write songs?
Answer: no one!!!

Sam Wood, the EmCee



 “This town is too full of volunteers,

too many in the community …

 I’m looking for people who don’t volunteer. People who do nothing. People who sleep till 4PM and then stay up and make a lot of noise at night… Who drink a lot of beer and then leave the cans all over the place. …people who litter the beach. People who just generally don't do anything”.


Then he asked the crowd what was the most important thing in their house and after the usual responses he cleared it up and you said “no… the most important thing in your house is the toilet. People can do without a sink, without a shower, and many of your friends do. What do you need the most what you cannot do without? Your best friend is your toilet. The toilet intimately knows every orifice in your body. Treat it horribly but it is always there smiling up at you”



Then, to everyone’s astonishment he opened a guitar case sitting at the side of the stage. The crowd watched in silence as he opened it and took the guitar with him to his seat.

Sam prefaced his next move saying “no one loves Kismet more than me. I love it so much I wrote a song about it.   I'm not much of a tunesmith so I wrote it to the tune of an old Shaft movie, not the newer one, the original and put my own words to it...

This is dedicated to my wife Amy"
The crowd went "Awww"
Where upon he caterwauled "I love Kismet" and with one loud plunk put the guitar down saying to the rapt audience
"You didn’t think I was going to play this on front of all of you?”

The crowd roared.

Later he said:

By his own admission Sam was riding "bareback" in his role as MC for the night.
"I didn't start preparing till 4 in the afternoon ...and about 5 I noticed this guitar case outside one of the kid’s rooms. So I got this idea 'what are the chances that anyone ever saw me play the guitar? None!'"




Even Sam paid


















Stu McLaughlin and former INN Bartender circa ‘70’s









Nice work, Maureen


A pretty pose!




THE SHOW: A perfectly balanced evening wisely made up of two different comics: one for the younger crowd and the other for the more “mature”.


Dennis Rooney

Dennis admitted “I’m Irish, but not a cop”

He just had his 29th birthday.  His friends, not great givers, gave him a “bummer of gift: a $20 scratch off ticket….Worse would have been 20 $1  tickets.”

His idea of fighting crime? He ripped the windshield wiper off his car. “Now I never get tickets”.

The clean cut, admittedly pudgy, young man appealed to the younger people in the house.


Joey Kola

As a stand-up comedian for 36 years he is currently warm up comedian on the Rachel Ray show.

Look at this shit equipment…doesn’t work


Many hilarious unprintable references about size & location

 Fire hose reminds him of something else limp


Notices this reporter – hey, what are you writing???

After his hilarious performance he was invited to pick the 50/50 winner.




Dana is the President of the Kismet Fire Department Auxiliary.

Joe McKeehan and Wendy Schou picked up the mantle to be the chairpersons of Comedy Night.

They had assistance from many volunteers including: Mary Pat Boyle, Myrna Ussach, Jacquie Jones, Linda Knoth, the Schou Family (Jeff, Julie, Joe and Rob Colaianni), Joe Hanner, Dana DeRuvo, Patty Lyon, Sandy Romaka, Brian Kelley, Dave Lambe and our valued emcee, Sam Wood!

There was a nice turnout for the weather threatening Friday night. Over 105 attendees! A big thanks to the Kismet Community and their support.

Dennis Rooney and Joey Kola kept us laughing in our seats!

The introduction of a Lottery Tree Raffle also gave us the chance to win big- and our big winners were Linda Nowachek and Janet Lockie O'Connor, or the Chiros, as we affectionately refer to our Lazybones docs. Thanks to Jacquie Jones for the new idea.

Our KFD also sold chances to win the July 4th parade's Wagon of Cheer. If you haven't snagged one yet please do so this weekend!

In total, the Auxiliary raised over $2500 to add to the monies that are being earmarked to improve safety communications in Kismet for our First Responders.

Patty Lyon