Lifeguards for the Handicapped
by Jeannie
What they have in common is the desire to be helpful no matter how
heavy the cart or how hot the sand and you cannot tip them to show your
appreciation and so I am writing this article to thank them
thank you guys, thank you Kismet!

Where ever they are - lifeguards are special. They're a hero to
little boys; heartthrob to girls; eye candy to mature women, source of envy to
their male counterparts, but most of all respected.
More so this summer with its frequent visits by sharks (How do
they tell the difference between sharks and dolphins? - dolphins are mammals
and need to come up for air, Sharks use gills to
breath with, as fish do, rather than lungs that exchange respiratory gases. so
when you see that fin gliding smoothly in your direction and not jumping -
This requires more than the average
concentration when safe guarding our lives.

Not all days are warm and sunny - looking for sharks
However in Kismet there is a group of lifeguards who are even
more special
They man the section of the beach in front of the handicap ramp, a
relatively recent mandated construction when new overpasses to the beach were
built after hurricane Sandy.
The other traditional overpasses feature many steep steps
prohibitive to those on wheel chairs, scooters, crutches or baby carriages
and schlepping large wagons of beach gear.
However the elaborate zig zagged ramp ultimately leading to
the beach is usually sand laden towards its destination defeating its purpose.
Going to the beach in the '80's, '90's
In what I consider the "golden age of Kismet",
when the community was 80% group houses, all single, going to the beach had
its own rituals. Instead of placing beach chairs (which were considered for
sissies) group houses would take a blanket to the beach which would eventually
be laden with house members, many times sporting customized T-shirts with the
name of the house on them - Apples, Bananas, Peaches, Crazy A, Cozy A, Ocean View,
Big Bamboo, Dynasty, Orange Door, Lemon Tree, Last Resort - and these were just
the ones towards the beach on Pine!
Also on these blankets would be refreshments, cocktails and
occasional boom box until the sand was no longer visible. We blanket hopped
planning the parties of the day, who is having a six-ish. posing, flirting etc.
My feet barely touched the sand.
Now 40 years and several botched orthopedic surgeries later which
left me with a marked limp and a balance problem, I can no longer walk on the
You have no idea how deserted a beach town can be during the day.
I didn’t even attempt the handicap ramp which was always sanded
in towards the bottom, until the end of Covid summer at which time with
virtually no one around I set up my beach chair near my scooter halfway down in
a curve and named it "handicap beach".

It was as close as I'd gotten to the beach in many years.
I was a little embarrassed as people climbed over me but
intrinsically happy.
One day towards the end of this summer after I'd settled in on my
"beach", a beautiful blonde beach boy popped up and said the magic
words "I can take you to the beach".
I thought I was hallucinating and at first declined the offer.
Then I slapped my face to see if i was awake and hoped he would return.

This is what pure
happiness looks like
Then it was then that I became aware of the beach cart, a simple
affair with huge tires which could traverse the sand.
There were two of them, they took me and my chair, placed me near
the surf
and so, after in the absence of 10 years, I was finally
able to go to the beach again!
so beautiful, so polite, Kismet Heaven!
These young man and an occasional girl lifeguard would wheel me
from the ramp to the front of the surf, put me on my beach chair and leave me
till I wanted to return.
I cannot tell you how happy this made me to actually sit on the
beach again
They are a modest polite and very accommodating group all of
whom have diverse and impressive day jobs in the winter: here is a list I had
to beg and cajole from them

Luquer Chief LG
years exp- Teacher
Lepore senior LG
years exp -HS principal
Drum Senior LG
years exp- county employee
Youmans Senior LG
years exp- county employee
Cornell Senior LG
years exp- Teacher
Coan Senior LG
years exp- Teacher
Delesia senior LG
years exp- county employee
Imbo LG
years exp- med school student
Cornell LG
years exp- Construction
Gardner LG
years exp- college student
Chernik LG
years exp- med school student
Atlas LG
years exp- college student
Alliegro LG
years exp- college student
McLaughlin LG
years exp- college student
Delisle LG
years exp college student
Kreuscher LG
Nielsen LG
HS student
Kreuscher LG
years exp- accountant
They have been modestly not forthcoming, they are mostly teachers
of math, science and even handicapped children, One is a school principal,
another a retired cop. Some are even high school seniors, others have been
teaching for years.
What they have in common is the desire to be helpful no matter how
heavy the cart or how hot the sand and you cannot tip them even though you want
to show your appreciation and so I am writing this article to thank them.
They are not special lifeguards chosen for the handicapped .They
are the luck of the draw but the luckiest one is me to be able once again to
sit on the beach
Thank you guys
Thank you Kismet