A Christmas Carol, Oy! Hanukkah, Merry Kwanzaa Czechoslovak-American Marionette Theatre

Horegs and antique Czech Devil Marionette playing Ghost of Christmas
By Joel
The Czechoslovak-American Marionette Theatre’s
intimate—maybe too intimate—A Christmas Carol, Oy! Hanukkah, Merry
Kwanzaa was a refreshing theatrical oasis in the holiday desert of
over-ripe TV films, large Broadway musicals and the Radio City Christmas Show.
It tells Dickens’ A Christmas Carol in a fairly straightforward way, but
with just enough arch commentary to keep it from sinking into cloying mush.

(L) and Markey's Ghost, in chains (R). Photos by Line Krogh.
Puppeteer and narrator Vít Horejš stood giant
like over a tiny marionette stage manipulating his beautiful handmade puppets,
changing scenery and reciting a seemingly improvised version of the dialogue,
interjecting wisecracks and oddball contemporary references while Judith Barnes
and Hayden Dewitt, as a boyish waif and a Victorian lady, sang period songs,
tossed in a bit of the “Dreidel Song” and an appropriate tidbit for Kwanzaa
touching all holiday bases.

Jewish women, Scrooge's tenants, light the menorah as they are facing eviction
on Hannukah. Photo by Tatiana Ronderos
Also, some of Mr. Horejš’s comments and
hesitating manner interrupted the rhythm of the story. However, his expert
handling of the many marionettes and their interactions were brilliant to
watch, easygoing and clearly the product of decades of experience. His two
female colleagues were in on all the jokes, sang with panache and together made
the perfect theatrical support team.
The wonderfully messy period sets and
costumes by Michelle Beshaw and the mood-enhancing lighting by Federico
Restrepo gave just he right professional finish to Mr. Horejš’s efforts.
The marionettes were made by Miloš Kasal
and unknown folk artists and were a show in themselves.
Let’s hope this show returns year after
year. Meanwhile check out any future events at the Czechoslovak-American
Marionette Theatre’s website (www.czechmarionettes.org)
A Christmas Carol, Oy! Hanukkah,
Merry Kwanzaa – December 5-14, 2014
The Czechoslovak-American Marionette
The Club at LaMaMa E.T.C.
74A East 4th St., between the
Bowery & 2nd Ave.
New York, NY
Tickets: 646-430-5374 or www.lamama.org
More Information: www.czechmarionettes.org