April is a GREAT Month for
Disabled Actors in NYC.
By Nicholas
I've been saying that someone
should write an article about what an outstanding month April has been for
actors who are differently-abled. No one did, so I will endeavor to do my best
here. But the three main theater companies that work with this
under-represented group all had projects that either ended, began, or continued
in the month of April. Thus, giving a lot of differently-abled actors like
myself the rare opportunity to do what I love; perform.

Alexander Nero, Nicholas
Linnehan and James Harter (Red Noses, Nicus Spoon)
Nicu's Spoon (spoontheater.org)
offered up a modern take on Peter Barnes' dark comedy, Red Noses. This
play, set during the ominous black plague, follows Father Flote as this zany
priest tries to cheer up the infected and affected through mirth, joy, and
kindness. And while I can not write a formal review of the production as I was
in it, I can say that there were many laughs and tears shared by the audience.
I, along with three other disabled actors, shared the stage for a two-week, 14
show run at The Secret Theater in Long Island City. On staff was a
differently-abled Assistant Stage Manager who did an outstanding job at his
post. He was the epitome of professionalism and enthusiasm rolled into one. I
dare say the show was a success as it wasn't a play with disabled actors; it
was a play being told to an audience like any other play you may go see
(although ours was better!)

Pamela Sabaugh and Nicholas
Visselli (Unexpected Guest, TBTB)
Not more than ten miles away,
Theater Breaking Through Barriers (tbtb.org) was reviving (and still is through
May 10, 2015) Agatha Christie's whodunit play, The Unexpected Guest. This
classic British play is your typical murder mystery filled with twists and
turns. Throughout the play, the audience becomes convinced that every single
character is the murderer. When the true culprit is revealed, there are gasps
and laughter as we are astounded that most of us have been duped. Five
differently-abled actors grace the stage and each is commendable in their
performance. Only one role is written for a disabled actor. Christopher
Imbrosciano plays the mentally challenged Jan wonderfully. He bring high energy
and emotional commitment to every scene he's in. He is a fire-cracker and we
are lucky to watch him take us on his roller-coaster of a ride. Anne Marie
Morelli does a nice job as Miss. Bennett. She is cool and calculated, never
missing a beat. She provides a nice contract to Imbrosciano and the two are
compelling in their scene together. Anthony Lopez plays Sergeant Cadwallader and
offers up a loot of comic moments that work well. Again, disability was not on
display here, but the prowess of good acting shines through. Oh yea, the
production has the audience vote at intermission for who they think the
murderer is. The winner gets a prize at the end (pretty cool huh?)

Nicholas Linnehan and
Daniella Thome (Pinnochio, Identity Theater)
Thirdly, Identity Theater Company
(identitytheater.com), will hold auditions for its upcoming production of a
modern musical adaptation of Pinnochio. (Book by Nicholas Linnehan and
music by Ian Wehrle and June Rachelson Ospa) This production will tour to local
schools, senior citizen homes, and homes for the disabled. Like the two other
companies mentioned, Identity will cast differently-abled actors in its
production. The production will play May 26-July 18, 2015 with public
performances Sat at 2 pm at Joria Stages.
Nicholas Linnehan
Executive Director
Identity Theater Company
www.Identitytheater.com www.nicholaslinnehan.com
Theater That Matters http://theaterthatmatters.wordpress.com