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                                         by Jeannie Lieberman


June 2nd drew Grove pet fanciers to the PAWS Annual fundraiser, this year at the Community House.

A select group of Groeve stalwarts: Panzi, Demi, Donna, Bruce Michael (the only one on the list who requires 2 names) got dressed up for the worthy occasion.

Their mission: to raise money to rescue and care for abandoned or feral cats and dogs, as well as other wildlife.


Perennial PAWS Hostess Bella perused the house with her observations

 (did any birds get hurt donating those colorful feathers?)


…joined by the ever elegant Co-Host Demi Tasse


Together they reminisced about watching a deer give birth to twins and then having a maternal melee with a duck and her ducklings.


Then Demi launched into her own number “Night Time is The Right Time”


 Panzi contritely coupled “You Can’t Pray the Gay Away” with “He’s Ain’t Mr. Right, But He’s Mr. Right Now” later in the show showng off her lip synching skill.


The merry madcap Beach DeBree lit up the room with her manic energy in appropriately named “Mad About You.” Always a pleasure!


Bruce Michael’s touching renditions of “Memory” (from Cats) and “Someone to Watch Over Me” revealed a new pleasing dramatic dimension to his voice


The super glam Donna Piranha gave us a dignified “Proud”

and turned the stage into a disco with “Native New Yorker,”




Chris Caswell won the $700 50-50 raffle and generously donated it back to PAWS 


$2,799 was the total amount raised by with Grove Chapter Head Valerie Perez and PAWS Founder Lee Frey


The evening ending as always with an astounding array of delicious desserts.